THE LEADERSHIP DOOR THE LEADERSHIP PYRAMID The Foundation: Leadership Behavior Desired leadership behaviors Attributes: Competent Confidence Authentic Integrity Character Role-Model... read more →
Systematic Processes Yield Results Agenda Results History The National... read more →
A recent question from another blog was: What is the biggest misconception about your particular industry? I serve many industries, and I feel that one of the biggest misconceptions about... read more →
Many, many organizations make health and safety a priority. I've been to a considerable number of companies that emphasize the importance of health and safety, and make it part of... read more →
I've spoken with many that believe there exists a real gap in great leadership in today's companies. Do supervisors and managers understand what great leadership really is? What do you... read more →
As many environmentally-focused (green) people are aware, the ISO 14001 International Standard is going through major changes. What is your opinion thus far? Are these changes good...bad? Are you indifferent... read more →
What do our Baldrige management systems aficionados think of the Baldrige Criteria and the new 2015 name change? Should we use Baldrige, ISO, Lean Six Sigma, or what? Should we... read more →